Monday, March 26, 2012

Just when I think life is getting back to normal. . .

it throws you a curveball.  I was all excited to blog last week about the fun things we were doing at school  but I was thrown for a loop with a situation with one of my kiddos.  I can't go into details but we are trying to figure out what exactly is going on, and we can't seem to get a straight answer from anyone.  It's very frustrating.

Here are some pictures of what we did last week,

 Putting sentences in order, then writing them using our very best Kindergarten handwriting.

I wish I could show you this kiddo's face!  His expression is hilarious, he was telling me all about Halo.

 Playing Time Match (matching digital and analog clocks)

 Our Math/Science night was Tuesday.  I ran our Kinder table so I organized my small group area in between the end of school and when I needed to set up.
It's supposed to be spring, but Alaska hasn't gotten the memo.  This was the temperature when I left for work Wednesday morning.


  1. 6 degrees? Brrr!!!! I hope you figure out what is going on with your little Sweetie and where the sun went!

    Mrs. Wills Kindergarten

  2. 6 Degrees? I don't think I have ever been that cold!
    I hope Spring will be there soon!

    Going Nutty!
